Poole Harbour Nutrient Management Scheme (PHNMS) is designed for farmers, by farmers. This means it is robust, works for any farm type or size, and takes into account farming pressures at different times of the year, including the records farmers already keep.
How does the scheme work?
Our scheme will make your existing nutrient record-keeping work hard for you. Firstly, you can use these records to explore land management changes through a nutrient accounting tool. Adopting these changes could earn you nitrate credits by reducing your on-farm nitrate losses. Farmers and other buyers can then buy and sell credits, which could provide an additional income stream for your business.
Why join?
As farmers, we are proud to feed the nation and beyond. We believe farmers are ready to shape a sustainable future for local agriculture. By working together, we can keep our farms viable and productive, improve compliance with existing regulations, and drive environmental improvements.
How do I join?
To take part in the scheme, farmers must join the Poole Harbour Agricultural Group. Membership is currently closed, while we process the 2022/23 membership data and prepare for the 2023/24 membership year. Join our mailing list to find out first when the membership window for 2023/24 will open.
Any questions?
If your questions about the scheme are not covered by this page or our frequently asked questions, please get in touch.